Brattleboro Solar Management

Brattleboro Solar is your solution for PV solar management.


We work with state net metering laws to ensure that each PV system works within the local utility and continues to provide power on a daily basis. 


For the net metered group systems, we do periodic reallocations to maintain a optimal experience for each customer.  


By working with local contractors and landowners, we provide a wide scope of services from mowing and inverter repair, to ongoing preventative maintenance, and performance reporting.

Special Resources

No matter how you structure your system, we can manage your solar assets to ensure a continued return on investment. We provide a range of financial and customer services, as well as consulting.


We know each situation is unique and are willing to work with owners and developers to find the right services that are required to maintain smooth operation of your solar site.

We work to provide a comprehensive management solution for your PV solar generation sites. We hire all local subcontractors to keep the work and resources close to home. Any maintenance is done in synch with the natural cycle of the site, and scheduled to have as low of an environmental impact as possible. ​

40+ mW

under mangement


Local Services

Over 30yrs

Combined Experience